Featuring BLiS Bourbon Barrel Maple Syrup
by Blīcher Creature Elizabeth Schuler

Chocolate Ganache Icing Ingredients
- 4 oz. favorite chocolate chip (We use a dark chocolate because it has no milk solids. Dark chocolate is also our favorite!)
- 1/4 cup milk (We use unsweetened soy milk)
- 2 T. BLiS Bourbon Maple Syrup
Chocolate Ganache Icing Process
- Chocolate and milk in a bowl. Heat in microwave on high for 30 seconds. Stir. If it needs to melt more, heat for 10 more seconds, stir. Repeat, if necessary.
- Whisk in the BLiS maple syrup. This makes it smooth and glistening.
- Ready to serve
Note: You will most likely dip your finger in the chocolate several times to taste test. If you do not have this urge, you have done something wrong. Redo recipe.