BLiS™ Gourmet Gift Set
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Awesome gift set for anyone who cooks!
Perhaps a holiday gift box of some sort for mailing.
My daughter loved the gift, used several of the products right away.
The Gourmet Gift Set was even better than we expected!
We we were gifted the soy sauce sometime ago and it completely ruined all other soy sauce for us- its fantastic. All the other products in this set are just as exceptional. Highly recommend as a gift for your foodie friends.
We received this set as a gift last week and have been so thrilled and impressed with each and every product, we’ve already ordered a duplicate set. And in addition, we’ve added a few new items to try. The depth of flavor in the soy sauce and pepper sauce is incredible. And I’m even thinking BLiS Maple Syrup on ice cream because....well, Because Life is Short ♥️
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